US-China relations likely to remain on an unstable course,

Maleeha Lodhi, former Pakistani ambassador to the US, Britain and the UN

Dr Henry Kissinger warns that the turbulent relationship between the United States  and China carries the seeds of war.

President Joe Biden describes ties between the two as ”extreme competition”, not conflict. The latest US intelligence report casts China as America’s top national security threat. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says there are three aspects of the relationship with China – adversarial, competitive and cooperative. […]

Limits are also imposed by the unenthusiastic response from countries Washington is wooing for its anti-China alliance.

Even close European allies, with economic equities in ties with China, are reluctant to be drawn into such a coalition. Mr Biden told the Munich conference in April that the US and its allies faced ”long-term strategic competition” with China and needed to stand up to its ”economic abuses and coercion”.

But Europe, much less the rest of the world, does not see it the same way. German Chancellor Angela Merkel says so openly, Japan is reluctant to sanction Beijing and other Asian countries are even less willing to join any contain-China coalition. Whether this reality urges the US towards a conciliatory policy is to be seen. Läs artikel

Maj Britt Theorin, 1932-2021

Publicerad i Svenska Dagbladet den 15 maj.

Nedrustningsambassadören och fredskämpen Maj Britt Theorin har avlidit.
Hon sörjes närmast av barnen Eva, Åse, Martin och Magnus med familjer
samt av många vänner världen över.

I våra ögon var Maj Britt Theorin en av Sveriges främsta fredsmäklare. Att kämpa för freden var hennes livsuppgift. Hon reste land och rike runt och agiterade för freden och försoning. Hon slogs för långsiktiga fredliga lösningar på krig och konflikter. För Maj Britt var detta den bästa utvecklingshjälp som Sverige kunde ge.

Maj Britt Theorins namn var internationellt känt.

Hon var under många år Sveriges nedrustningsambassadör och gjorde betydande insatser internationellt för att driva främst nedrustning av kärnvapen.

Efter det uppdraget kunde hon valt en lugn pensionärstillvaro men de nya krigen med stormaktsinvasioner som startade efter kalla kriget, främst i Afghanistan, kom att under nästan 20 år engagera henne.

Sverige medverkade i kriget och skickade soldater till Afghanistan. Det upprörde henne särskilt som det var en skarp kontrast mot den traditionella svenska säkerhetspolitiken.

Maj Britt var med i den grupp personer som 2007 utformade det stora uppropet mot Sveriges deltagande i kriget med parollen ” Tag hem de svenska trupperna från Afghanistan– svenska soldater har inte i Afghanistan att göra” som med över 7000 underskrifter kom att publiceras runt om i Sverige.

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NATO warships start major air and missile defence exercise,

Europe’s biggest and most complex air and missile exercise gets underway on Saturday (15 May 2021) with ships and aircraft from across NATO defending against a variety of missiles. Exercise “At-Sea-Demo/Formidable Shield” is held primarily at the Hebrides range off Scotland, and also at the Andoya training site off Norway, involving 15 ships and dozens of aircraft from ten NATO nations. […]

Held every two years, Formidable Shield will run until 3 June and is led by Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO on behalf of the US Sixth Fleet. The exercise will involve around 3,300 personnel from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The Spanish Navy’s frigate ESPS Cristobal Colon is the flagship of the exercise. Läs artikel

A logic of its own: the external presence in the Sahel,

Nina Wilén, director of the Africa Programme at the Egmont Institute and Assistant Professor at Lund University

The current instability in the Sahel has attracted a heavy international security presence to the region which has taken on a logic of its own. Yet there is a need to reflect on how the international presence and local power dynamics mutually shape each other to gain a more comprehensive understanding of why current efforts to stabilise the situation have fallen short. […]

For European states in particular, contributing troops to larger allies’ initiatives in the region has also become an important political means to show loyalty and commitment. While a collective NATO engagement in the region is unlikely to see the light, given the many bilateral and multilateral operations already underway, NATO members’ support for French initiatives should be interpreted as a means to reinforce solidarity between member states. US, Danish, Estonian and British support to the French-led operation Barkhane in the shape of troops, equipment and logistics is a case in point here. Macron’s call for the Europeanisation of the fight against terrorism in the Sahel has more recently been exemplified by the call for partner nations to support a French-led joint Special Task Force called Takuba in the region. While the new initiative has received a lukewarm response from EU member states, it is another platform for European states to back up France, improve European interoperability and add broader legitimacy to French initiatives in the region.

The less than enthusiastic support for Takuba is likely to, in part, be driven by a reluctance to collaborate with a former colonial power whose presence in the region is contested. Läs artikel

Angående frånvaron av skyddsrum

Anders Björnsson

Jag får ett mail från en granne. Vi bor i samma bostadsområde, Kista. Det är ett nationellt centrum för högteknologisk verksamhet. Grannen, upp i åren, är en av landets it-pionjärer. ”Törs du gå ner i garaget”, frågar han, ”om vi blir bombade.” Är det en dödsfälla? Kista torde bli ett av de första målen, om krig utbryter. Då kommer gängskjutningarnas fasor härute att förblekna.

Jag har faktiskt inte tänkt så noga över detta. Har vi skyddsrum? Nej. Officiell svensk säkerhetspolitik utgår från att Sverige blir anfallet i ett storkrig, underförstått av Ryssland. Scenariot kan verka osannolikt – det är ett imperium på nedgång men besitter stora arsenaler av kärnvapen, som med olyckligt handhavande kan drabba även ett litet land som Sverige. Också motståndaren, som vi tyr oss till, är i ett liknande läge.

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The Biden Administration Is Failing to Set Intelligent Foreign Policy Priorities,

Ted Galen Carpenter, senior fellow in security studies at the Cato Institute

[…] The Biden administration’s inability to set priorities heightens the risks to America. In particular, Washington’s strategic myopia is driving Russia and China together, increasing their diplomatic, economic, and military cooperation to resist U.S. pressure. Given the lengthy border between Russia and China and the inherent jockeying of the two countries for a dominant position in Central Asia, Moscow and Beijing should have more to fear from each other than either would from the United States. It requires extraordinarily clumsy, abrasive behavior on Washington’s part to forfeit that advantage.

Ideally, U.S. policymakers should seek ways to reduce tensions with both powers. At a minimum, Washington needs to make a choice—pursuing a rapprochement with one country in order to focus on effectively waging a strategic rivalry with the other. A sober assessment would indicate that the wiser course would be to repair relations with Russia. Russia’s $1.5 trillion economy ranks eleventh in the world, just ahead of Australia’s $1.48 trillion. Conversely, China’s $16.8 trillion makes that country the world’s second-largest economic power. Those figures mean that Russia is a second-tier economic player, while China is a strong peer competitor that is closing fast on the United States. Moreover, Beijing has assiduously used its financial capabilities to cultivate influence around the world. Läs artikel


The US’s Elusive Sense of Responsibility,

Obaidullah Baheer, lectures on Peace and Conflict Resolution in the postgraduate program at Kardan University in Kabul,

The United States claims it wants to safeguard the progress made in the past two decades but it also wants to evade any responsibility toward Afghanistan, as per President Joe Biden’s latest remarks and his decision to withdraw troops from the country. Biden stated that the reason the US and its allies came to Afghanistan could not justify their presence there now. The president ignored the fact that the United States chose to frame the intervention as a liberating mission. Therefore, at such a critical juncture of history, we must ask: Was progress truly made in the past twenty years? And can the post-settlement Afghanistan sustain such progress?

It was imperative to show the Afghan people what democracy could achieve for them and the power they held within this new order, yet the same old story of elites amassing riches and power continued, this time exponentialy. The United States always kept the government of Afghanistan on the hinge of collapse and at the height of dependency lest it forget who was at the helm. Läs artikel

Sverige krigade inte för fred och rättvisa i Afghanistan

Lars-Gunnar Liljestrand

I Dagens Nyheter (12/5) skriver Ewa Stenberg att Sveriges insats för fred och rättvisa misslyckades.

Den internationella koalitionen hade lovat att hjälpa till och bygga upp en ny nation där kvinnor fick rättigheter, byborna sjukvård och det skulle råda fred och rättvisa.

Alla dessa påståenden är osanna.

USA har officiellt, genom sitt särskilda ombud för Pakistan och Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke, förklarat: ”Att omvandla det afghanska samhället är inte vårt uppdrag. Flickors skolgång kan vara en viktig fråga på många håll. Vi är i Afghanistan utifrån våra egna nationella säkerhetsintressen.” (The New Yorker 2015)

President Obama var noga med att i sina tal inte ta ordet nationsbyggande eller good governance i sin mun när det gällde Afghanistan. För USA handlade det om geostrategiska intressen och för länderna som deltog i koalitionen var det lojalitet med USA som gällde.

Våra egna ansvariga politiker har aldrig medgivit att talet om kvinnors rättigheter, demokrati mm endast var avsett för att få allmänhetens stöd till kriget.

Tysklands tidigare förbundskansler Gerhard Schröder, som fattade beslutet 2001 att Tyskland skulle gå med, har senare förklarat att motivet var lojalitet med USA men att kvinnors rättigheter var nödvändigt att lyfta fram för att få tyskarna att acceptera kriget.

Än idag kan svenska regeringen utan skam skriva i varje proposition om fortsatt svensk trupp i Afghanistan att insatsen skall stödja kvinnornas ställning.

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Russian Admiral Frets Over ’Provocative’ NATO Drills,

A top Russian admiral complained Thursday about increased NATO military activities near the country’s borders, describing them as a threat to regional security.

Adm. Alexander Moiseyev, the commander of Russia’s Northern Fleet, said that NATO navy ships’ presence in the Barents Sea and the Norwegian Sea have reached levels unseen since World War II.

Speaking to reporters onboard the Northern Fleet’s flagship, the Pyotr Veliky (Peter the Great) missile cruiser, at its Arctic base of Severomorsk, Moiseyev charged that NATO drills have edged closer to Russian borders, and noted increasingly frequent flights by U.S. nuclear-capable strategic bombers.

“Such actions are provocative and have a negative impact on regional security,” Moiseyev said.

He voiced particular concern about the U.S. military assets on the territory of NATO ally Norway that borders Russia, charging that it has led to an “increase of the conflict potential in the Arctic.” Läs artikel

USS New Mexico docks in Tromsø as Norway, US bolster Arctic military ties,

[…] US nuclear-powered submarines have over the last few years increased sailings in the north. Crew change and supply arrangements have until now been arranged in the fjords outside Troms in northern Norway.

On Monday, however, the first docking took place, as the “USS New Mexico” came to Tønsnes municipal harbor some 10 kilometers north of Tromsø city center.

Security is tight. A no-fly zone is established over the port, and access to the harbor area is strictly guarded by the Norwegian Armed Forces. The military guarding of the port will only last for as long as the submarine stays. Normally, the port in Tønsnes serves civilian vessels in Tromsø, including the oil and gas supply activities offshore northern Norway. Läs artikel

Syria-ambassadør Peter Ford: Jeg skammer meg over mitt lands handlinger,

Peter Ford er tidligere britisk ambassadør til Syria (2003-2006) og har offentlig fordømt Storbritannias og andre NATO-medskyldiges terrorkrig ved stedfortreder for å skape et regimeskifte i den arabiske nasjonen. Han er en erfaren diplomat med grad i arabiskstudier fra universitetet i Oxford og var diplomat i flere land i Midtøsten. […]

Spørsmål: Hvordan tolker du avgjørelsen i forrige uke fra Organisasjonen for forbud mot kjemiske våpen (OPCW) om å ta fra Syria dets medlemsrettigheter basert på påstander om at den syriske regjeringens militære styrker gjentatte ganger har brukt kjemiske våpen under den ti år lange krigen? Det synes som om at OPCW har blitt ekstremt politisert av USA og deres vestlige allierte. Ser du mye press mot medlemslandene av vestlige makter for å få til OPCW-sanksjoner mot Syria?

Peter Ford: Vestmaktene er som hunder med et gammelt bein når det gjelder den angivelige bruken av kjemiske våpen i Syria. Det er ikke noe kjøtt på beinet, men de fortsetter å gnage ivei. Hvorfor? Fordi den gjentatte påstanden om at “Assad gasser sitt eget folk” har blitt en hjørnestein i hele den vestlige propagandafortellingen om Syria. Uten den ville det være vanskeligere å rettferdiggjøre den grusomme økonomiske krigen mot Syria, i stor grad ved innføring av sanksjoner. Og siden den militære innsatsen for regimeskifte mislyktes, er økonomisk krigføring nå det siste håpet de vestlige maktene har for å destabilisere Syria tilstrekkelig til å velte regjeringen. For at denne strategien skal fungere, er Vestmaktene meget beredt til å undergrave OPCWs troverdighet ved å misbruke sine evner til å manipulere organisasjonen når det gjelder Syra. Läs artikel


A Biden Doctrine Starts To Take Shape,

Andrew Bacevich, president of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft

[…] Present-day U.S. practice combines elements of a disastrous Bush Doctrine and a deeply flawed Obama Doctrine. The former, conceived in the wake of 9/11, asserts a prerogative of waging preventive war to overthrow regimes that the United States deems intolerable. The latter finds expression in a campaign of assassinations planned, authorized, and executed in secret.

The Bush Doctrine yielded a legacy of protracted, exhausting, and very costly armed conflicts. The Obama Doctrine yielded a low-level war of attrition, employing airstrikes and small contingents of special operations forces. Both had presidents exercising broad extra-constitutional powers, with minimal accountability. […]
Trump’s critics frequently charge him with abandoning norms. Yet in matters relating to the use of force, it was Bush and Obama who cast aside well-established norms. Biden’s task is to reconstitute them.Devising a sensible doctrine for the use of force should begin with a realistic appreciation of what force can and cannot do. Here the American preference for the language of liberation poses a problem. Only rarely does liberation provide a legitimate rationale for war. In practice, liberation entails nation-building, not only ousting objectionable regimes, but installing something better in their place.