Bog afslører USA’s forsøg på at få kontrol over Grønland,

Catherine Jex, redaktør af ScienceNordic

I takt med at spændingerne mellem USA og Sovjetunionen spidsede til efter 2. verdenskrig, blev Danmark klemt mellem de to supermagters koldkrigsambitioner.

Fem års tysk besættelse var slut, og Danmark var opsat på at gøre brug af landets position på verdensscenen og den videnskabelige suverænitet over Grønland, der under den kolde krig var af høj strategisk betydning for de to supermagter USA og Sovjetunionen.

Hele historien om tophemmelige, diplomatiske stridigheder, militære operationer, forskning og forkludrede mediecoverups bliver skildret i en ny bog ’Exploring Greenland: Cold War Science and Technology on Ice’. Läs bokpresentationen

Bacevich: Get out of NATO, shut down combatant commands,

Daniel Larison, former senior editor at The American Conservative magazine

The United States needs to make a major overhaul of its alliances and partnerships in the world, and it needs to rethink which of its existing commitments truly protect the vital interests of the United States.

In light of the devastating effects of the pandemic on the country, including the loss of more than 600,000 people, we cannot afford the conventional understanding of national security that has prevailed up till now. Above all, we have to shed the self-congratulatory and self-justifying notion of American exceptionalism that has so warped our thinking about our foreign policy.

These are just some of the provocative ideas that Quincy Institute President Andrew Bacevich proposes in his new book After the Apocalypse: America’s Role in a World Transformed. […]

One of the big changes that Bacevich proposes is to end U.S. involvement in NATO. “NATO has become an exercise in nostalgia,” as it tries to guard against threats that no longer exist while it is incapable of addressing contemporary problems that do not have a military solution. Our European allies have the means to provide for their own defense, but for decades the U.S. has actively discouraged them from building up their own security institutions for fear of undermining NATO. There is growing recognition on both sides of the Atlantic that the current arrangement makes no sense and European states need to assume more responsibility for their own defense. Continued U.S. membership in NATO is not only unnecessary, but it actually impedes European states’ efforts to develop their own capabilities. In short, “U.S. security guarantees to Europe have today become redundant,” and therefore Bacevich proposes that the U.S. should announce its intention to withdraw “within the next decade.” Läs artikel


Taliban Tells Turkey Continued Troop Presence in Afghanistan Is ’Unacceptable’,

The Taliban said Friday its leaders already had conveyed to Turkey their opposition to any foreign troops remaining in Afghanistan after the U.S. and NATO forces leave the war-torn country by a September 11 deadline.

The insurgent group’s statement comes a day after U.S. officials said President Joe Biden and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed in their meeting Monday that Turkey would continue providing security at the international airport in Kabul, the Afghan capital, following the troop pullout.

“The clear commitment from the leaders was established that Turkey would play a lead role in securing Hamid Karzai International Airport, and we are now working through how to execute to get to that,” Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser, told reporters Thursday.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, when asked for a response to Sullivan’s comments, told VOA that guarding the airports and other locations in the country is the responsibly of Afghans.

“If foreign forces want to retain a military presence here in the name of airport security, Afghans will not allow it and will view them as invaders, be it Turkey or any other country,” Mujahid told VOA.  Läs artikel

President Niinistö: Navalnyjs situation förändras knappast till följd av mötet mellan Biden och Putin,

Med tanke på Finlands stabilitet tycker president Sauli Niinistö det är viktigt att USA:s och Rysslands presidenter träffas. Han tror ändå inte att toppmötet nämnvärt kommer att förbättra vare sig ländernas relation eller situationen för den fängslade oppositionspolitikern Aleksej Navalnyj. […]

Niinistö lyfter upp ett par konkreta frågor som presidentkollegorna diskuterade som också berör Finland.  Den första handlar om vapentillsyn.

– President Biden konstaterade att ämnet diskuterades mycket detaljerat och att en fortsättning kan följa. Det är en god nyhet, säger Niinistö.

Ett annat tema som är viktigt för Finland är miljön kring Arktis.

– Naturligtvis hoppas jag att miljö- och klimattänket som vi har framhållit, till exempel bekämpning av sot- och metanutsläpp, skulle höra till de främsta frågorna. Förhoppningsvis går det här också framåt i och med att det arktiska området intresserar dem båda.

Niinistö anser att ju bättre USA och Ryssland kommer överens, desto bättre är läget för Europa och Finland. All diskussion mellan de två länderna gynnar stabiliteten i Finland, menar han.

– Om spänningarna mellan USA och Ryssland ökar så befinner vi oss ganska i mitten av det hela. Ju mindre spänningar, desto bättre för oss.

Enligt Niinistö står det klart att Biden nu försöker återuppbygga det traditionella kamratskapet mellan USA och Europa, som till viss del grusades under Donald Trumps tid på presidentposten. Läs artikel

Hvorfor hjalp Danmark USA med at spionere mod sine europæiske allierede?

»Systematisk aflytning af tætte allierede er uacceptabel,« lød det for nylig fra den danske forsvarsminister Trine Bramsen.

Men det er netop, hvad Danmark har gjort alligevel.

Trine Bramsen svarer på afsløringerne om, at Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE) har givet den amerikanske efterretningstjeneste NSA, adgang til at spionere mod adskillige europæiske samarbejdspartnere og tætte allierede.

Hvorfor accepterede Danmark dette partnerskab i betragtning af risikoen for det kæmpe tab af omdømme, der uden tvivl var tydelig fra starten?

Hvorfor fik NSA lov til at bruge danske internetkabler til at spionere mod statsledere, toppolitikere og højtplacerede embedsmænd i Frankrig, Tyskland, Norge og Sverige, blandt andet den tyske kansler Angela Merkel? Läs artikel

On Putin-Biden agenda: the Northern Sea Route,

“Yes, this issue was discussed in a wide format and a pretty detailed way, Vladimir Putin told the press after his meeting with Joe Biden.

“It is a very important, interesting topic in the sense that the development of the Arctic in general and the Northern Sea Route in specific is of huge interest for the economy of many countries, including countries from outside the region,” he underlined in a press conference held after the bilateral talks.

The Russian president rebuffed all allegations that Russia is militarizing the Arctic with its major investments in new and upgraded military infrastructure. […]

The key role of the Arctic in the Geneva meeting is confirmed also by the American side. In a press briefing ahead of his departure from Geneva, President Joe Biden underlined that the two leaders had talked about “how we can ensure the Arctic remains a region of cooperation rather than conflict.”

Biden also mentioned “the need for us to be able to have some kind of modus operandi where we dealt with making sure the Arctic was, in fact, a free zone.” Läs artikel

Når norske soldater sendes i krig, er det utenfor de folkevalgtes styring,

Den lange krigen kaller Micheline Egge Grung tida som har gått fra den kalde krigens slutt for omtrent 30 år siden, til i dag.

Statsviteren ved Høgskolen i Innlandet er aktuell med antologien Stortinget og den lange krigen, 1991–2021, redigert sammen med Tormod Heier, forskningsleder på Stabsskolen ved Forsvarets høyskole og professor II ved HINN. Boka har bidrag fra jurister og statsvitere med kompetanse innen forfatningsrettslige, folkerettslige og utenrikspolitiske spørsmål.

– Norge har vært involvert i en lang rekke kriger fra avslutningen av den kalde krigen helt til i dag, mer eller mindre som én sammenhengende krig. Derav Den lange krigen, sier Grung.

I boka viser forfatterne at beslutningene om å sende norske kvinner og menn i krig, stort sett har vært tatt utenfor Stortingets plenumssamlinger. Våre folkevalgte har heller ikke ført et særlig aktivt tilsyn med Norges involvering i disse krigene. Läs bokpresentationen

Macron And Africa-France Relations,

Paul Ejime, author and former diplomatic/war correspondent

Macron, after threatening to pull French troops out of the Sahel, and accusing the Malian junta of veering toward “Radical Islamism,” now says that France will “transform” its military operation in the Sahel.

He has provided very little details, but the reading in defence quarters is that France plans to replace Barkhane Mission in the Sahel with a France-led European Takuba Taskforce, which has U.S. support, and to which countries such as Sweden, Estonia and Czech Republic have already committed. The taskforce will require strong commitment and foot-on-the-ground participation of host countries.

In general terms, relations are lopsided between France and its former African colonies from which Paris benefits to the tune of an estimated Euro-500 billion annually, including from so-called “colonial tax.” Apart from the political control, the strong influence which Paris wields in many of these countries includes its right of first refusal to the exploration/exploitation of mineral resources and management of their economy through the CFA franc currency tied to the Euro and which is literally managed by the French Treasury.

France has more than 10,000 troops in 23 Francophone African countries with which it has defence/military pacts. Five of the countries, Gabon, Cameroon, Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire and Djibouti have permanent French military bases, while Chad is the headquarters of the largest non-permanent French contingent of 5,100-Barkhane forces with about 4,500 of the troops deployed to restive Mali. […]

It is baffling that despite the deployment of the French Barkhane forces and the 15,000-strong UN Mission, MINUSMA, Mali remains in security turmoil with its mineral-rich northern region as the epicentre of terrorism, as well as separatist and Islamist insurrections in the Sahel. The situation is such that more than 60% of the entire Malian territory including the north and central regions is a hotbed of insecurity from where the Islamist jihadists continue to launch sporadic deadly attacks on neighbouring Burkina Faso and Niger.

So, what difference will the Takuba Taskforce make?

The reduction or withdrawal of foreign forces could either complicate or ameliorate the security situation in the Sahel. However, a lasting solution to the chronic instability in Mali and other former French colonies in Africa must necessarily address the deficiencies in their socio-economic and political governance systems, to allow these nations to manage their resources and defence architecture without undue outside interference. Läs artikel

Toppmötet ett sätt att förbli relevanta,

Frida Wallno, ledarskribent på Dagens Industri

[…] USA har också infört nya sanktioner på grund av ryska cyberattacker och skällt ut Moskva för de militära provokationerna mot Ukraina.  Länderna tog under våren hem sina respektive ambassadörer, vilket bekräftat lågvattenmärket.

En annan förklaring till de låga förväntningarna är ländernas relativa irrelevans. Den rysk-amerikanska relationen spelar inte samma roll för världen längre.

De har visserligen kärnvapen, men såväl Ryssland som USA är på dekis jämfört med fornstora dagar, vilket i hög grad även gäller deras ledare.  Länderna har fått vänja sig vid att Kina tar en allt större plats globalt, och tvingats anpassa sig därefter.

Med tanke på Bidens retorik under de tidigare delarna av Europaresan var mötet med Putin heller inte helt nödvändigt. […]

Biden hoppas sannolikt att det ska blidka kritiken på hemmaplan över beslutet att inte sätta in sanktioner mot Nord Stream II. Det var för övrigt ett klokt beslut. Europas energisäkerhet är en fråga för Europa, inte för USA. Läs ledaren

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian’s Regular Press Conference on June 15, 2021,

[…] CCTV: On June 13, the G7 summit concluded and issued a communiqué, which made groundless accusations on China with regard to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and other issues. What is your comment?

Zhao Lijian: We have noted that the G7 summit communiqué mentions China-related issues, deliberately slandering China on issues related to Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Taiwan as well as maritime issues, and interfering in China’s internal affairs. Such moves seriously contravenes the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the trend of the times for peace, development and win-win cooperation. It reveals the bad intentions of the US and a few other countries to create confrontation and estrangement and widen differences and disagreements. China is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposed to this.

Issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan are purely China’s internal affairs that brook no foreign interference. China is firmly resolved in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and development interests.

I want to emphasize that multipolarization and democratic international relations are irresistible trend of the times. The era of one country or a bloc of countries dictating world affairs is over. Under the current situation, the international community need to strengthen solidarity and cooperation and practice true multilateralism more than ever. Countries should not seek bloc politics on the basis of the interests of small cliques, suppress different development models by holding ideology as the yardstick, and still less confuse right with wrong and shift blames onto others. The US is ill, very ill indeed. We’d like to advise the G7 to take its pulse and come up with a prescription for the US. Läs intevjun

Russia forces Nato fighter jets into action as Putin takes on Biden – planes scrambled,

NATO Air Command tweeted: ”NATO and Partner nations scrambled fighters to meet increased Russian air activity across the Baltic Sea. Spanish, Italian, Polish and Danish fighters met the Russian aircraft to ensure the safety and security of the Baltic Sea Airspace. Partners Sweden and Finland also joined.”

This comes just days after the Kremlin intercepted a US spy plane.

The Russian Pacific Fleet carried out a military exercise in the Pacific Ocean that involved 20 warships and several ships. The drill was carried out on June 10 to practice responding to a simulated enemy attack. On the same day as the drill, Russia’s Eastern Military District reported they intercepted an RC-135 strategic reconnaissance plane over the Pacific Ocean.

The Russian military said: ”The crew of the Russian fighter identified the air target as a strategic reconnaissance aircraft RC-135 of the US Air Force and escorted it over the Pacific Ocean.” They added: ”After the foreign military aircraft was turned away from the state border of Russia, the Russian fighter returned safely to its home base.” Läs artikel

U.S. – Russia Presidential Joint Statement on Strategic Stability,

We, President of the United States of America Joseph R. Biden and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, note the United States and Russia have demonstrated that, even in periods of tension, they are able to make progress on our shared goals of ensuring predictability in the strategic sphere, reducing the risk of armed conflicts and the threat of nuclear war.

The recent extension of the New START Treaty exemplifies our commitment to nuclear arms control. Today, we reaffirm the principle that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.

Consistent with these goals, the United States and Russia will embark together on an integrated bilateral Strategic Stability Dialogue in the near future that will be deliberate and robust. Through this Dialogue, we seek to lay the groundwork for future arms control and risk reduction measures. Läs uttalandet