Germany forges pact for Leopard 2 successor in snub to Paris, Handelsblatt reports,

Germany has signed agreements with Italy, Spain and Sweden on the development of a successor to the Leopard 2 tank, German business daily Handelsblatt reported on Wednesday.

If confirmed, the deal would be certain to upset France, which, in 2017, agreed with Berlin to develop a joint Franco-German tank to succeed the German Leopard 2 and the French Leclerc in a project beset by delays and disagreements.

The initiative is to take place under the leadership of Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) and Rheinmetall (RHMG.DE), the German arms makers building the Leopard 2, Handelsblatt reported, citing unnamed industry and political sources. The German defence ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A spokesperson for Rheinmetall declined to comment on the report. A spokesperson for KMW could not immediately comment.

The newspaper said the partners in the deal were planning to apply to the European Defence Fund for funding amounting to a three-digit million euro sum, adding the project would also involve Sweden’s Saab (SAABb.ST) and Italy’s Leonardo (LDOF.MI). It did not identify which Spanish company would be involved. Läs artikel

Världs­min­nes­dag med 1766 års tryckfrihets­förordning i fokus

På Världsminnesdagen den 28 september uppmärksammar vi Sveriges senaste världsminne: Tryckfrihetsförordningen. Välkommen till Riksarkivet i Göteborg (föranmälan krävs) eller följ direktsändningen på Riksarkivets YouTube-kanal.

Tid: 28 september, kl. 15.00–17.00
Plats: Riksarkivet, Arkivgatan 9, Göteborg.
Anmälan: Mejla till senast den 22 september.
Entré: Arrangemanget är kostnadsfritt.

Assessing the Legality of ECOWAS Planned Military Intervention in Niger,

Omar Hammady, former political and legal advisor to the UN Missions in Libya, Syria and Yemen

On July 26th, a military junta overthrew Niger’s democratically elected president, Mohamed Bazoum. International condemnation followed culminating in the ECOWAS order, on August 10th, to deploy “its standby force to restore constitutional order in Niger”.

In an excellent article published on West Point Lieber Institute, Professors Russell Buchan and Nicholas Tsagourias argued that an ECOWAS military intervention would be legal because it has been invited, either in an abstract treaty-based manner, or based on an invitation by President Bazoum. As I argue below, I respectfully disagree: The argument of an abstract treaty-based invitation not supplemented by an ad hoc consent has no support from the AU nor the ECOWAS practice. In any case, Niger has clearly revoked its consent to the relevant treaty. As to an ad hoc invitation by the deposed President, Mr. Bazoum does not seem to enjoy the required international recognition to consent to a military intervention in the context of competing governments. Accordingly, the envisaged military intervention would be illegal and, consequently, the current threat to use force too. […]

An authorization by the Security Council may extend to regional organizations “But no enforcement action shall be taken under regional arrangements or by regional agencies without the authorization of the Security Council.” (Article. 53-1). Challenging the Security Council’s monopoly in this regard would run counter to Article 103 of the Charter according to which UN obligations prevail over any other obligations of member states. This probably explains that, in the case of Niger, ECOWAS called on the UN “to support its efforts to ensure a quick restoration of constitutional order in Niger”. […]

My conclusion is that the proposed use of force against Niger without prior authorization from the Security Council would be illegal. For this intervention cannot be lawfully justified by an uncontested anticipatory or ad hoc consent in the current context. Accordingly, ECOWAS responses risk being regarded themselves as an illegal threat to use force prohibited under Art. 2-4 of the Charter, with associated international responsibility. Läs artikel


It’s time to embrace a ‘less-than-grand’ strategy It’s time to embrace a ‘less-than-grand’ strategy,

James W. Carden, columnist and former adviser to the US-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission at the U.S. Department of State.

[…] The journalist and editor Lewis Lapham noted as far back as 2002 that, “The makers of America’s foreign policy over the course of the previous fifty years have embraced a dream of power almost as vainglorious as the one that rallied the disciples of Osama bin Laden to the banner of jihad.”

In the 20 years since Lapham wrote those words, the U.S. has stumbled into multiple foreign policy disasters, including but not limited to the needless and counterproductive regime change operations in Libya and Syria, the failed nation-building enterprises in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the current NATO-Russia standoff in Ukraine.

Surely then, the time has arrived for a policy of retrenchment and a shift toward an approach based on a hemispheric conception of U.S. national security. Läs artikel

Arctic Council charting way forward to resume work says Norwegian SAO,

“Our primary focus of these first months was on finding a way forward that would allow the working groups to resume their important work,” Morten Høglund said in an interview posted Thursday on the Arctic Council website.

“As I mentioned in May: without functioning Working Groups, we don’t have a Council. This task was therefore quintessential for restarting the engine and taking a course forward.”

Norway assumed the two-year rotating chairmanship of the Arctic Council in May, over a year after Russian-Western cooperation within the forum broke down following Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. […]

In March 2022, the seven Western states (Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and the United States) suspended their involvement in Arctic Council activities in protest of Russia’s actions in Ukraine, citing violations of the forum’s foundational principles, including sovereignty and territorial integrity under international law. […]

Høglund said an August 29 meeting with the states and Indigenous groups decided on guidelines to restart the working groups.

“This includes taking decisions on the way forward for their work, such as proposing new projects that address continued and emerging issues in the Arctic,” he said. “They are also able to resume their collaboration with Observers and external experts that provide vital contributions to the Council’s project work. […]

The Arctic Council Secretariat confirmed to Eye on the Arctic on Friday that all eight Arctic States and six  Permanent Participants, including the Russian Federation and the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON), were part of the guideline consensus. Läs artikel

NATO’s Romania slams Russia for ‘serious violation’ over drone,

Romania reacted with fury on Wednesday after debris from a Russian killer drone was found on its territory near the Danube river, following Moscow’s assault on a Ukrainian port.

Russian drone debris landing in Romania would be “a serious violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Romania,” the country’s President Klaus Iohannis said Wednesday.

Romanian Defense Minister Angel Tîlvăr confirmed that pieces of the attack drone were discovered in the country, which is a member of the NATO military alliance. Läs artikel

Utgivarna om koranbränningarna: Fel väg av regeringen att ändra ordningslagen,

[…] Publicistorganisationen Utgivarna uppskattar möjligheten till dialog och har respekt för att avvägningar kring Sveriges säkerhet i den nu uppkomna situationen är svåra. Men signalerna oroar.

Vi uppmanar regering och riksdag att försvara den svenska tryck- och yttrandefriheten och avvisa varje krav och hot också om inskränkningar av mötes- och demonstrationsfriheten.

De grundlagsfästa rättigheterna tjänar Sverige väl. Antidemokratiska krafter i omvärlden som nu vill påverka svensk lagstiftning ska motverkas med ökad öppenhet, fler opinionsyttringar och mer journalistik.

Som representanter för svenska medier oroas Utgivarna och medlemmarna TV4, Sveriges Television, Tidningsutgivarna, Sveriges Radio, UR och Sveriges Tidskrifter av den debatt som förs om att med hänvisning till det allvarliga säkerhetspolitiska läget minska möjligheterna till att fritt uttrycka sig i Sverige. […]

Utlandsspionerilagen infördes trots kraftiga protester från bland andra Utgivarna och som skäl för denna inskränkning av pressfriheten angavs reaktioner från omvärlden. De krav på inskränkningar av mötes- och demonstrationsfriheten som kan bli konsekvensen av ett eventuellt förslag om ändring av ordningslagen i spåren av bland annat koranbränningar, motiveras också med reaktioner utomlands och dess möjliga konsekvenser för säkerhetsläget i Sverige.

Utgivarna vill med kraft avvisa sådana förslag och undvika att Sverige gör om misstaget med utlandsspionerilagen. Läs artikel

Hur ska Sverige bidra till en kärnvapenfri värld?

Vendela Englund Burnett, ordförande för Svenska läkare mot kärnvapen

Nyligen avslutades den första förberedande kommittén för icke-spridningsavtalet av kärnvapen. Efter två veckors diskussioner stod det klart att avtalet står inför gigantiska problem. Staterna kunde inte ens komma överens om en sammanfattning av mötet, vilket är en oerhörd besvikelse och en oroande temperaturmätning för världsläget. Stockholmsinitiativet som regeringen deltar i, startades av den före detta utrikesministern Margot Wallström 2019 och är ett alltför modest initiativ som kärnvapenstaterna enkelt kan ignorera och utmanar inte heller synen på kärnvapen. Hittills har initiativet inte visat några som helst genombrott eller resultat.

Sveriges nya roll som blivande Natostat skapar tillsammans med Finlands medlemskap samt utplaceringen av ryska kärnvapen i Belarus en ny dynamik i avtalet genom att fler stater bejakar kärnvapen som en del av de säkerhetspolitiska doktrinerna. Läs artikel

Poli­ti­kern Dag Hammarskjöld,

Få stora svenskar har varit lika tillgängliga för media som Dag Hammarskjöld. Han är också en av de moderna svenskar som ständigt varit föremål för forskarnas intresse. Vad kan Dag Hammarskjölds samling på KB berätta som vi inte redan vet? Och hur har forskarna använt sig av den? Föreläsare: Staffan Carlsson, författare till boken Helgon och maktspelare. Dag Hammarskjöld som politiker (2023).

Onsdag 6 september 2023 , 17:30,  Kungliga biblioteket,  Humlegårdsgatan 26


The Address of General Washington to the People of the United States on his declining of the Presidency of the United States.

George Washington (22 februari 1732 – 14 december 1799) var en förmögen amerikansk godsägare, framstående militär och ledande statsman, som var USA:s första president under åren 1789 till 1797. Han var en av USA:s grundlagsfäder. Washington skrev ett brev till det amerikanska folket, som publicerades den 19 september 1796, nära slutet på hans andra presidentperiod. Det har titeln The Address of General Washington to the People of the United States on his declining of the Presidency of the United States. Det är inget dumt brev. Vi återger här avslutningen på det.


Friends and fellow -citicens:

Observe good faith and justice towards all Nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and Morality enjoin this conduct; and can it be, that good policy does not equally enjoin it? It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and, at no distant period, a great Nation, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence. Who can doubt, that, in the course of time and things, the fruits of such a plan would richly repay any temporary advantages, which might be lost by a steady adherence to it ? Can it be, that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a Nation with its Virtue? The experiment, at least, is recommended by every sentiment which ennobles human nature. Alas! is it rendered impossible by its vices ?

Läs mer

US Coast Guard Icebreaker Sails in Proximity to Russia’s Northern Sea Route,

A US science mission has taken Coast Guard icebreaker Healy into the East Siberian Sea in proximity to cargo vessels transiting Russia’s Arctic waters. Automatic Identification System data suggest the vessel has entered what Russia considers the waters of its Northern Sea Route, though experts caution that it is too early to draw conclusions. […]

Russia has established regulatory control over the route requiring ships planning to use the route to apply and receive permits to enter its waters. It also specifies ice-class requirements depending on sea ice conditions and navigation season.

Icebreakers conducting scientific missions from other nations, such as China and Germany, have routinely followed Russia’s established procedures and applied for NSR permits. China’s Xue Long conducted a transit in 2017 followed by Germany’s Polarstern in 2019. Läs artikel

Remiss av promemorian Undantag från mervärdesskatt för väpnade styrkor inom Nato,

Inför Sveriges medlemskap i Nato föreslås att väpnade styrkor i stater som ingår i Nato undantas från moms i vissa fall. Momsundantaget gäller de väpnade styrkornas import, införsel av varor, inköp av varor och tjänster i Sverige i samband med gemensamma försvarsansträngningarna inom Nato. Undantaget gäller varor och tjänster som används av de väpnade styrkorna eller av den civilpersonal som följer med dem, eller som förvärvas för deras mässar och marketenterier (kantin/militärkafé). I de fall moms har påförts varor och tjänster som omfattas av undantaget i Sverige ska skatten återbetalas. Förslaget medför ändringar i mervärdesskattelagen (2023:200) och skatteförfarandelagen (2011:1244). Ändringarna föreslås träda i kraft den dag som regeringen bestämmer.Svensk Näringsliv ansluter sig till vad Näringslivets Skattedelegation anfört i sitt remissvar. Näringslivets Skattedelegation har inget att erinra mot förslaget. Läs remissen