Non-lethal Assistance and the Syrian Conflict: Lessons from the Netherlands,

Tom Ruys and Luca Ferro

Kan utomstående stater skicka ”non-lethal” (icke dödliga) vapen eller annan materiel som kan användas i en konflikt i ett land som omfattas av vapenembargo?

I många konflikter runt om i världen förekommer brott mot vapenembargon, även dem som utfärdats av FN:s säkerhetsråd. De folkrättsliga aspekterna på frågan utreds i artikeln med särskild bäring på utländsk inblandning i konflikten i Syrien.


Whether one thinks of Syria, Libya, Yemen, or Ukraine, third-State involvement is undeniably a common feature of many – if not most – ongoing non-international armed conflicts. While the direct provision of arms to non-State armed groups is widely deemed contrary to international law, recent years suggest that States feel less reticence to provide so-called “non-lethal assistance” (NLA), understood as material aid not designed to inflict serious bodily harm or death. In particular, in the context of the Syrian civil war, such aid has been provided to various rebel groups, including by the United States as well as by several European countries. Läs artikel