Liberal oordning

Mats Björkenfeldt

Patric Porter har skrivit en tankeväckande bok: The False Promise of Liberal Order (Polity 2020). Porter är professor i Birmingham, England, och knuten till The Quincy Institute,

 För Porter är Niccolò Machiavelli  än i dag av stor betydelse. Mottot för boken är: “Many writers have dreamed up republics and kingdoms that bear no resemblance to experience.”

Vad många drömmer om i Väst är en världsomfattande ”Liberal Order”, vilket får förstås som ett mer eller mindre frivilligt anammande av den amerikanska synen på demokrati (”organized around freedom, consent and equality”). Men då detta anammande ofta är påtvingat, är det enligt Porter mer fråga om en liberal oordning: ”We can speak of an American-led order. But a liberal one?”  Presidentkandidaten Joe Biden lovade i München i februari 2019 en återgång till Pax Americana, efter att president Trump börjat ”swinging his wrecking ball”.

Porter lyfter fram ”the Truman movement”, ”a blueprint for a rules-based international order”, byggd på bland annat ”nonaggression, self-determination, and the peaceful settlement of disputes”, och hänvisar till FN-stadgan. ”Liberal order stood for transcendent values […] The order has also been described as a system of ‘embedded liberalism’.” Han frågar samtidigt hur en “illiberal order” ser ut; han säger att den är ”disrespectful of rules and norms”.  Samtidigt finns det ett problem med “historical memory in liberal order discussion”.

Framstående amerikanska liberaler har gång efter annan svårigheter att respektera antagna normer, som till exempel 2003, när Berlin vägrade att sända trupper till det olagliga kriget i Irak: ”They referred to NATO members in shudder quotes as ‘allies’. They asserted that if European allies didn’t pull their weight – and the Iraq campaign was not even a NATO operation – Americans should doubt NATO’s value: ‘There is the question of whether there is any meaning left in the term “alliance” … If France and Germany are intent on saying no, then future American administrations, including Kerry’s [då presidentkandidat, min anm,], will have to reconsider the value of the alliance.’.” Synsättet är häpnadsväckande. Ett Nato-medlemskap skulle alltså innebära en skyldighet att medverka till ett olagligt anfallskrig!  Men Nato utgör ju ett system för kollektivt självförsvar i enlighet med folkrätten. I boken ger Porter ytterligare exempel på ”illiberala” beteenden från Natos sida i Libyen och Kosovo.

Likt Hitler, som åberopade självförsvarsrätten när Tyskland invaderade Polen den 1 september 1939, har USA en uppsjö av ”experter” på folkrätt, som söker att med juridiska medel urskulda flagranta kränkningar av folkrätten. Men som Porter påtalar erkänner amerikanska företrädare ibland att “the rules-based order occasionally required the exercise of American power in violation of the rules, whether this meant conducting military interventions without UN authorization”. Samtidigt som man kräver av andra att strikt följa ”rules and norms”. ”President of the Council on Foreign Relations Richard Haass, prove to be flexible. Haass urged Washington to treat Russia as a rogue state for violating Westphalian norms of sovereignty. Months later, he called for a US-backed coup in Venezuela.” Att denna dubbelmoral får konsekvenser är uppenbart, till exempel när president Putin åberopar Natos agerande i Kosovo för eget rättfärdiggörande i Ukraina.

Att dessa illiberala tänkare talar tyst om president Obamas “conduct of drone strikes, as part of what one military commander called ‘almost an industrial scale counterterrorism killing machine’ worldwide” är kanske inte att förvåna, då det är svårt att se något liberalt i detta dödande av oskyldiga. Och Porter erinrar om att “[t]he principle of non-intervention is at the heart of the United Nations Charter”.

Bland andra Svenska FN-förbundet vill avskaffa vetot i FN:s säkerhetsråd. Det är förstås en utopi att så skulle ske, men förespråkarna bör här beakta vad Porter skriver: ”As it has been articulated, liberal order demands the perpetuation of American dominance and, effectively, a free hand. In the words of the Princeton Project of 2006, America’s goal should be to secure itself by bringing foreign governments up to PAR, or ‘Popular, Accountable and Rights-Regarding’. Frustrated that legacy institutions are increasingly inadequate to get the job done, the project advocated a loosening of restraints in order-building: ending the veto on UN Security Council resolutions authorizing ‘direct action’ in a crisis, and assuming a responsibility to protect on the part of the international community.”

Det är svårt att kalla president Carters rådgivare Zbigniew Brzezinski för liberal när han skriver uppskattande: “The three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.”  Han och andra drömde om att ta upp ”the mantle of the British empire.” Eller som utrikesminister Hillary Clinton uttryckte det i samband med Libyen-kriget: “We came, we saw, he died.” varvid “the Secretary of State for Defense describes bombing Islamists in Libya as ‘mowing the lawn’.” Eller som utrikesminister Madeleine Albright proklamerade i februari 1998: “If we have to use force, it is because we are America; we are the indispensable nation. We stand tall and we see further than other countries into the future.” Och som Porter noterar: “For Albright, because of America’s clairvoyance, half a million child deaths under the chokehold of international sanctions were a necessary price for disarming Iraq.”

Porter framhäver även det illiberala agerandet från bland andra presidentkandidaten Joe Biden, då han medverkade i augusti 2002 till antagandet av den illiberala lagen ASPA: ”In August 2002, the American Service-Members’ Protection Act (ASPA) was introduced, banning military aid to countries that ratified the Rome Statute, the treaty that established the ICC (internationella brottmålsdomstolen, min anm.), and placing sanctions on countries that failed to sign Article 98 agreements conferring immunity on US citizens. The coercion was explicit. In the case of aidseeking Lesotho, a ‘blunt’ meeting with the US Ambassador indicated that Lesotho’s profile as a non-signatory nation jeopardized its prospects of receiving aid. The ASPA also authorized military force to free US nationals detained by the ICC, and became known as the Hague Invasion Act. Amongst the ‘yea’ votes passing the act were Democrat champions of liberal order: Senators John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Joseph Biden. To uphold order, the superpower sought immunity from the ICC, reserving the right literally to attack its institutions.”

Författaren erinrar vidare om att USA inledde 46 militära interventioner under det Kalla kriget: “that number jumped to 188 in the 1992–2017 period.” ”Permanent war has now become almost institutionalized. In the words of US Air Force General Mike Holmes, the future is one of ‘infinite war: long-time competition against peer adversaries’.”

Ett kapitel behandlar Trump, men som Porter påtalar är det inte “possible to divorce the rise of Trump from the legacy of Obama”. “Yet by the end of his first term, Trump had ended no wars, and there were more troops, not fewer, in Africa, the Middle East, nd Europe.”  Oavsett vad Trump twittrar har USA:s “grand strategy” inte märkbart förändrats.

Kapitel 4 har rubriken “A Machiavellian Moment: Roads Ahead”.

För Machiavelli var politik “about the gaining and holding of power. The irresponsible misuse of power had led to chaos and invasion. Machiavelli counselled that the prudent prince cannot bring private morality into the public sphere, because most men ‘are not good’. Instead, the prudent exercise of power on behalf of the ruled should be guided by an alternative moral standard, the reason of state. […] Against Machiavelli’s brutally direct arguments for a separate morality ran a counterblast of Christian universalism, variously driven by ‘false nostalgia for a world at peace within one empire’, a utopian search for a universal monarchy as ‘saviour of mankind’, or a ‘spiritually motivated attempt to take the world back into the temporal control of the universal church’”. För Porter är valet enkelt,: utifrån Machiavellis syn om “the survival of its institutions and civic virtues in an increasingly hostile world”  kritiserar han Washingtons politik att försöka “reshape the world, the international system”.”In thinking about liberal order, two decades of unipolar hegemony in this century suggest that the Machiavellian insight holds.”

Porter rekommenderar Washington att “take three, interlinked, grand strategic steps: to contain a rising China, to divide China and Russia, and to reduce its footprint in the Middle East”. Dessa råd kan förstås diskuteras. Men Porters avslutande ord är övertygande:

”Since the USA cannot withdraw from NATO without risking the destruction of the alliance itself, it should visibly reaffirm its commitment to NATO countries and the Baltic States, as it is doing. It should also draw a line under further eastward expansion. Informally, the USA will have to concede that Crimea is gone and will remain in Russian hands, which American policymakers privately concede. This need not be the beginning of a juggernaut of Russian expansion. Putin’s acquisition of Ukraine has come at some cost to Russia, as its investments there are expensive, so imperial prestige does not come cheap. Given the correlation of forces and the limitations on Russia’s capacity to aggrandize its sphere, there is some basis for restoring stability.”

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