Island tillater besøk av amerikanske atomubåter,

Amerikanske atomdrevne ubåter får nå tillatelse til å foreta korte servicebesøk på Island for påfyll av forsyninger og mannskapsbytte, kunngjorde den islandske regjeringen i forrige uke.

Bakgrunnen er at Island ønsker å støtte økt overvåkning og responskapasitet blant allierte i Nord-Atlanteren.

– Disse servicebesøkene vil bidra til å styrke den kontinuerlige og aktive ubåtovervåkningen utført av allierte land, noe som sikrer bedre situasjonsforståelse og styrker sikkerheten rundt undersjøisk infrastruktur – slik som sjøkabler i farvannet rundt Island. Besøksfrekvensen vil avhenge av behovet til enhver tid, skriver regjeringen.

Det første ubåten vil komme på besøk i nær framtid, og skal få service like utenfor kysten framfor å foreta havneanløp, informeres det. Trolig vil dette være i tilknytning til Nato-øvelsen Dynamic Mongoose, som starter i dag, mandag. Dette er alliansen årlige øving på ubåtjakt i nordområdene – og i år har Island rollen som primær vertsnasjon.

En betingelse for besøk av amerikanske ubåter er at de ikke skal bære atomvåpen, understreker den islandske regjeringen – og viser til landets sikkerhetspolitikk om at det ikke skal være atomvåpen på islandsk territorium.

Denne politikken har Islands utenriksminister presisert i en note til USA. Fra amerikansk side skal det ha blitt formidlet at de aktuelle ubåtene ikke vil bære atomvåpen og heller ikke er utstyrte til å gjøre det. […]

Norge forutsetter at allierte krigsskip som anløper norske havner ikke fører med seg atomvåpen, og at denne betingelsen respekteres. Hvorvidt norsk atom- og anløpspolitikk etterleves i praksis er omdiskutert. Tilnærmingen til Norge og atommakter på besøk har blitt «Don’t ask, don’t tell», framholder Asle Toje, utenrikspolitisk analytiker og nestleder i Nobelkomiteen. Läs artikel

Läs också kommentar till den norska politiken angående amerikanska kärnvapen på norskt territorium.

FSB signs maritime security cooperation with China in Murmansk,

The memorandum signed in Murmansk opens for cooperation in law enforcement at sea, regional and federal media reports on Monday.

Under the new agreement, the two countries highlight joint efforts to combat terrorism, illegal migration, fighting smuggling of drugs and weapons, as well as stopping illegal fishing, Head of FSB Border Guard Service, Vladimir Kulishov, said to Vesti, the TV news by GTRK Murman.

He explained that Russia had to find new partners as the coast guard cooperation with the seven other Arctic nations is halted.

The Arctic Coast Guard Forum, currently chaired by Russia, had a plan to conduct a joint multilateral maritime exercise this year. With no participants from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Canada and USA, the FSB decided to invite China as an observer, Kulishov said. The exercise takes place out of Murmansk on Tuesday.

Next step will be for China to participate in future exercises.

In a statement recorded by the Defense Ministry’s TV channel Zvezda, the FSB commander added that joint exercises with the Chinese Coast Guard, stipulated in the memorandum, will take place in the near future. Läs arikel

Internationellt diskussionsforum med fokus på säkerheten i den arktiska regionen organiseras i Finland,

Försvarsmakten organiserar det internationella diskussionsforumet Arctic Security Forces Roundtable (ASFR) i Åbo den 25 – 27.4.2023. Värd för evenemanget är försvarsmaktens strategichef, generalmajor Janne Jaakkola. ASFR leds av USA och Norge.

Arctic Security Forces Roundtable (ASFR) är ett diskussionsforum inrättat 2010 av USA och Norge, som fokuserar på säkerheten och samarbetet i den arktiska regionen, särskilt ur ett militärt perspektiv.

I forumet deltar representanter från 11 länder: USA, Kanada, Finland, Sverige, Norge, Danmark, Island, Storbritannien, Frankrike, Tyskland och Nederländerna. Läs artikel


Guterres proposes ‘way forward’ for Ukraine grain initiative,

United Nations chief Antonio Guterres presented a “way forward” on extending Ukrainian grain exports during a meeting with Russia Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in New York Monday, the UN said.
Guterres gave Lavrov “a letter to President Vladimir Putin, outlining a proposed way forward aimed at the improvement, extension and expansion” of the deal, a spokesperson for the Secretary General said in a statement. Läs artikel

The Finnish and Swedish Path to NATO – similarities and dissimilarities,

René Nyberg, finländsk diplomat och författare

[…] The similarities are obvious. A systematic adoption of NATO norms and standards to turn both armies into NATO-compatible forces. A strong reaction in the spring of 2014 to the annexation of Crimea and drawing of identical consequences of the changed strategic situation after the Russian military incursion into the Donbas and attempts to push further and deny Ukraine’s access to its Black Sea coast. This led to increased cooperation with NATO becoming an enhanced opportunity partner in 2014. This was supported by bilateral and trilateral defense cooperation with The United States and Britain.

The most concrete step without doubt was the launching of intensified bilateral Finnish-Swedish defense cooperation. It was given a decisive boost by the Swedish defense minister Peter Hultqvist. It went much further, deeper, and faster than anybody could have anticipated. I remember my surprise at Kultaranta, Presidents Niinistö’s summer residence in June 2016, when Prime Minister Stefan Löfvén talked about “operative planning beyond peace time conditions”. We had embarked on something unparallelled..[…]

Over the years, there was only minority support for NATO Membership both in Finland and Sweden. The current Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson visited Helsinki in early 2018 as the newly elected Chairman of the Swedish Conservative Party Moderaterna. He was pressed by Finnish pundits about the expected change of Swedish policy towards NATO after the anticipated return of the Conservatives to power in the upcoming parliamentary elections. I was sitting next to him at a lunch at the Swedish residence and innocently queried him “Why hasn’t Carl Bildt expressed himself on NATO Membership?” Kristersson looked at me like fool and replied: “Everybody knows that Carl Bildt presumes that NATO Membership has to be supported by the Social Democrats, too.” I silently smiled because I knew the answer.

That is exactly what happened in both countries in the spring of 2022. It is a historic turn of events that NATO-skeptical or reluctant Social Democratic-led governments in both Finland and Sweden decided to apply for NATO Membership with the backing of the conservative opposition parties. There is a historic parallel to how Finland joined the European Union. The decision to apply for membership was taken by a government led by the EU-skeptical Center Party.[…]

Putin’s shrill demand in December 2021 for security guarantees and a stop to NATO enlargement and even a call to roll back the alliance to the borders of 1997 was pure trolling although not immediately recognized as such. He talked about NATO but meant Ukraine. This was, as we know today, a turning point for Finland. Russia was claiming a sphere of interest, something Finland immediately associated with the secret protocol of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 1939. Läs artikel

Amid Strained Multilateral System, States Must Recommit to United Nations Charter Obligations, Prioritize Human Rights, Secretary-General Tells Security Council,

[…] He (Gueterres) then turned to multilateral cooperation, which he called the “beating heart of the United Nations; its raison d’être and guiding vision”.  The Organization’s establishment in 1945 represented humanity’s best attempt to prevent any repetition of the horrors of two world wars and the Holocaust, he said.  The multilateral system has held together and delivered some notable successes while the tools and mechanisms established by the Charter of the United Nations have played their part in averting a third world war.  Much of the world’s progress on many issues, from peacekeeping operations to disarmament and non-proliferation efforts to coordinated global humanitarian efforts, would not have been possible without countries standing together as a multilateral human family.  Yet the multilateral system is under greater strain than at any time since the United Nations was created, and tensions between major Powers are at an historic high.   […]

Speaking in his national capacity, Sergey Lavrov, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Council President for April, said that the United Nations-centred global system is now “enduring a profound crisis”.  The root cause of this is certain Member States’ desire to replace international law and the Charter of the United Nations with a “rules-based order”.  Such rules were crafted and applied to counter the natural process of establishing new, independent development centres.  The West continues its attempts to deter such formation with illegitimate unilateral measures.  He later underscored that the Ukrainian issue cannot be considered separately from the geopolitical context. […]

The representative of the United States said today’s meeting is on a serious topic, even if it was convened by a Council member whose actions show a blatant disregard for the Charter.  The world needs an effective United Nations and international multilateral system.  The Russian Federation’s invasion of its neighbour runs counter to the Organization’s most fundamental principles and it is trying to redraw international borders by force in violation of the Charter.  This should concern everyone as “today is the Ukraine, tomorrow it could be another country.”  She agreed that the Council must better reflect today’s global realities and find viable paths for the twenty-first century.  “We must rally behind the UN Charter,” she said. […]

Several delegates criticized the expanding use of unilateral coercive measures, and other selective uses of international law, as serious threats to international cooperation, peace and security.  The representative of Iran, for example, said these measures are a concerning example of harmful unilateral acts that run counter to the fundamental principles of international law, the Charter and basic human rights.  “These illegal measures have far-reaching humanitarian consequences and can undermine diplomatic efforts aimed at resolving disputes and promoting cooperation,” he said.

Venezuela’s delegate, speaking on behalf of the Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations, noted ongoing attempts to divide the world into blocs, with a growing resort to unilateralism in the illegal application of unilateral coercive measures against more than 30 countries.  These so-called sanctions, a new form of pretended domination and neo-colonialism, have become the preferred tool of certain Governments to exert pressure while generating untold suffering on entire peoples. Läs referaret


Forsvaret kan med ny aftale fortsat benytte Grønlands primære lufthavn,

En længe ventet aftale for Grønlands primære lufthavn, Kangerlussuaq, er mandag aften blevet underskrevet af den grønlandske regering, Naalakkersuisut, og den danske regering. Det skriver det grønlandske medie Sermitsiaq.AG.

Aftalen betyder, at det danske forsvar som hidtil også fortsat kan anvende lufthavnen og landingsbanen. Det samme kan også det amerikanske forsvar.

I februar kom det frem, at Forsvarsministeriet i Danmark ønsker en militærbase i lufthavnsbygden. Det kunne TV 2 berette på baggrund af et lækket notat fra ministeriet. Läs artikel

Hvordan vil Forsvarskommisjonen motvirke økt spenning i nordområdene?

Oddmund Hammerstad, tidligere statssekretær i Forsvarsdepartementet

Den 3. mai skal resultatet av Forsvarskommisjonens arbeid leveres.[…]

Det blir krevende å forholde seg til i vest-europeiske land generelt, og kanskje spesielt hos oss. For eksempel behøver man ikke å være verken statsviter eller militærstrateg for å se at den rivalisering mellom stormakter i Arktis som nå bygger seg opp, kan bli kontrær til andre arktiske staters bestrebelser etter å holde et lavest mulig spenningsnivå i regionen, slik de nordiske stater er eksponenter for.

«Nordområdene er Norges viktigste strategiske satsingsområde. Dette vil innebære en kraftfull satsing på tvers av flere sektorer, som utdanning og forskning, ressursforvaltning, næringsliv og samferdsel. Det er avgjørende for bredden av Norges interesser å opprettholde Arktis som en fredelig og stabil region, basert på internasjonalt samarbeid og respekt for folkerettslige prinsipper» (

Det er et problematisk trekk ved forfølgelsen av en slik målsetning at den norske militære etterretningstjenesten gjennom snart 70 år har kommet veldig dypt i et formelt og direkte samarbeid med de amerikanske etterretningsorganisasjonene NSA og CIA, rettet mot sovjet-russiske kapasiteter og aktiviteter på Kolahalvøya og i Barentshavet.

Nytten har vært gjensidig;også andre Nato-land og Nato som organisasjon (som ikke har egen etterretnings) har dratt nytte av de deler av etterretningsbildet som amerikanerne og nordmennene finner det naturlig å dele. For amerikanerne er det primært de strategiske ubåter som fører ballistiske raketter med atomstridshoder (SLBM), og som truer det amerikanske kontinent, som er i fokus. Läs artikel

World military expenditure reaches new record high as European spending surges,

World military spending grew for the eighth consecutive year in 2022 to an all-time high of $2240 billion. By far the sharpest rise in spending (+13 per cent) was seen in Europe and was largely accounted for by Russian and Ukrainian spending. However, military aid to Ukraine and concerns about a heightened threat from Russia strongly influenced many other states’ spending decisions, as did tensions in East Asia. […]

Military expenditure by states in Central and Western Europe totalled $345 billion in 2022. In real terms, spending by these states for the first time surpassed that in 1989, as the cold war was ending, and was 30 per cent higher than in 2013. Several states significantly increased their military spending following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, while others announced plans to raise spending levels over periods of up to a decade. […]

Some of the sharpest increases were seen in Finland (+36 per cent), Lithuania (+27 per cent), Sweden (+12 per cent) and Poland (+11 per cent). […]

Russian military spending grew by an estimated 9.2 per cent in 2022, to around $86.4 billion. This was equivalent to 4.1 per cent of Russia’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2022, up from 3.7 per cent of GDP in 2021. Figures released by Russia in late 2022 show that spending on national defence, the largest component of Russian military expenditure, was already 34 per cent higher, in nominal terms, than in budgetary plans drawn up in 2021. […]

Ukraine’s military spending reached $44.0 billion in 2022. At 640 per cent, this was the highest single-year increase in a country’s military expenditure ever recorded in SIPRI data. As a result of the increase and the war-related damage to Ukraine’s economy, the military burden (military spending as a share of GDP) shot up to 34 per cent of GDP in 2022, from 3.2 per cent in 2021. […]

The United States remains by far the world’s biggest military spender. US military spending reached $877 billion in 2022, which was 39 per cent of total global military spending and three times more than the amount spent by China, the world’s second largest spender. The 0.7 per cent real-terms increase in US spending in 2022 would have been even greater had it not been for the highest levels of inflation since 1981. […]

China remained the world’s second largest military spender, allocating an estimated $292 billion in 2022. This was 4.2 per cent more than in 2021 and 63 per cent more than in 2013. China’s military expenditure has increased for 28 consecutive years.

Japan’s military spending increased by 5.9 per cent between 2021 and 2022, reaching $46.0 billion, or 1.1 per cent of GDP. This was the highest level of Japanese military spending since 1960. Läs artikel


Svenskt deltagande i evakueringsinsats i Sudan,

Utrikesutskottets betänkande

Utskottet föreslår med stöd av sin initiativrätt i 9 kap. 16 § första stycket
riksdagsordningen och efter inhämtande av ett skriftligt underlag och muntlig
information från regeringen att riksdagen beslutar att medge att regeringen
ställer en svensk väpnad styrka bestående av högst 400 personer till förfogande
till och med den 30 juni 2023 för att i enlighet med folkrätten stödja och
genomföra en evakueringsinsats av svenska och utländska medborgare samt
materiel från Sudan i nära samverkan med andra stater och internationella
Utskottet föreslår att ärendet avgörs trots att det varit tillgängligt kortare tid
än två dagar före den dag då det behandlas. […]

Regeringen konstaterar i underlaget att en folkrättslig grund för evakueringsinsatsen primärt utgörs av samtycke. Det övergripande målet för det svenska militära bidraget är att stödja Sveriges ambassad i Khartoum vid evakuering från Sudan. […]

Det finns enligt regeringens bedömning ett visst folkrättsligt utrymme för begränsade evakueringsinsatser som avser egna medborgare under exceptionella säkerhetslägen. […]

Utskottet konstaterar att den folkrättsliga grunden normalt utgörs av ett beslut i FN:s säkerhetsråd eller en inbjudan från det mottagande landet. I detta fall har utskottet inhämtat från regeringen att Sverige har samtycke för en insats från Sudan, meddelat via dess ambassad i Stockholm. Utskottet konstaterar att läget för de svenska medborgarna i Sudan är mycket allvarligt och att Sudan inte efterlevt sina skyldigheter att skydda utländsk diplomatisk personal enligt Wienkonventionen. Utskottet delar mot den bakgrunden regeringens uppfattning att det finns ett visst folkrättsligt utrymme för begränsade evakueringsinsatser som avser egna medborgare under exceptionella säkerhetslägen. Läs betänkandet

Anm: Beslut enligt utskottets betänkande togs med acklamation av riksdagen den 23 april.


Ökade utgifter för försvaret – nu väntas nedprioriteringar,

Försvaret har fått ökade kostnader på grund av stödet till Ukraina, ökad beredskap och förberedelserna inför ett Natomedlemskap. Nu väntas prioriteringar i bland annat den dagliga verksamheten på förbanden.

Verksamhet som finns i i försvarsbeslutet kan komma att begränsas eller tidvis stoppas. Det kan handla om övnings- och träningsverksamhet, som värnpliktsutbildning, eller investeringar i infrastruktur eller materiel.

”Vi ska vara väldigt tydliga i vad vi kan klara av. I en redan ansträngd organisation så kan man inte bara fylla på med uppgifter”, säger överbefälhavare Micael Bydén. Läs artikel

Utredning: Förneka Förintelsen ska bli olagligt,

Den parlamentariska kommitté som arbetat med frågan föreslår att ett särskilt straffansvar ska införas för förnekande, urskuldande och uppenbart förringande av folkmord, brott mot mänskligheten eller andra krigsförbrytelser.

– Men det räcker inte bara att man förnekar eller förringar att en sådan händelse har skett, säger ordföranden för kommittén och justitierådet Stefan Johansson.

Det krävs också att gärningen är ämnad att uttrycka hat, uppmana till våld eller missaktning mot en enskild eller en grupp för att den ska vara straffbar.

Bakgrunden är att EU-kommissionen satt tryck på Sverige och tolv andra EU-länder om att skärpa lagstiftningen. Läs artikel