Utrikesministerns anförande vid konferensen ”Supporting the future of Syria and the region” 5 april 2017 i Bryssel, regeringen.se

..A political solution as outlined in resolution 2254, including a political transition, remains the only way forward. Sweden fully supports the UN-led talks in Geneva and efforts to ensure the full and effective participation of women at the negotiation table.

Sweden will continue to provide support to the humanitarian operations in Syria and the neighbouring states. Let me tell you briefly what we have done so far. Since 2011, we have provided USD 278 million in humanitarian aid. This is in addition to our unearmarked core budget support to the UN humanitarian organisations and the Central Emergency Response Fund. As a complement to our substantial humanitarian aid we have pledged USD 200 million through our five-year Syria crisis strategy, aimed at building resilience. Läs anförandet