Försvarsminister Peter Hultqvist undertecknar trilateral avsiktsförklaring, regeringen.se

Försvarsminister Peter Hultqvist träffade den 8 maj 2018 USA:s försvarsminister James Mattis och Finlands försvarsminister Jussi Niinistö i Washington för att underteckna en trilateral avsiktsförklaring om fördjupat samarbete (Statement of Intent, SOI).

En intensifierad dialog, övningsverksamhet samt utökad interoperabilitet utgör exempel på samarbetsområden.

Den trilaterala avsiktsförklaringen:

The U.S. DoD and the MODs of Finland and Sweden intend to pursue an enhanced trilateral defense relationship.
Expanded defense cooperation between the U.S. DoD and the MODs of Finland and Sweden strengthens our respective
bilateral defense arrangements, as well as multilateral agreements and arrangements, such as those with the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO), Nordic Defense Cooperation (NORDEFCO), and the European Union (EU).

We intend to complement existing efforts and leverage existing structures and activities wherever possible to achieve the
following objectives:
• Intensify our trilateral dialogue on defense policy;
• Develop practical interoperability at the policy and the military levels;
• Expand our trilateral situational awareness in the Baltic Sea region;
• Strengthen our capabilities and posture;
• Improve our ability to conduct combined multinational operations;
• Coordinate our strategic communications; and
• Promote constructive linkages between NATO and the EU. […]

This Trilateral Statement of Intent is not a legally binding commitment between the United States, Finland, and Sweden
under international or national law. Läs avsiktsförklaringen