Foreign Minister expects struggle over NATO proposal regarding mission in Ukraine,

Minister Szijjártó said NATO had begun to “blur its own red lines” that said the alliance was not a party to the war in Ukraine and that everything possible had to be done to prevent a direct confrontation with Russia.

The foreign minister said Hungary did not want to train Ukrainian soldiers or deliver weapons to its north-eastern neighbor despite the “enormous pressure” it was under to do so. Addressing a meeting of ruling Fidesz’s parliamentary group, Minister Szijjártó said NATO had begun to “blur its own red lines” that said the alliance was not a party to the war in Ukraine and that everything possible had to be done to prevent a direct confrontation with Russia. “And now … the secretary general felt that it would also be worthwhile for NATO to do something because we can’t have NATO just sitting around for two years with only its member states and the European Union taking the steps that endanger global security,” Szijjártó said. The minister said NATO wanted to step up its coordination of weapons deliveries and the training of Ukrainian troops and was planning to approve a 100 billion euro aid package. “Hungary, however, doesn’t want to take part in this in any form,” he said. “We want to stay out of this completely.”
The foreign minister said Hungary wants its soldiers to be exempt from participating in such NATO mission and does not want “anything relating to these types of operations happening in Hungary’s territory”. Läs artikel