Anförande av ambassadör Olof Skoog vid öppen debatt i FN:s säkerhetsråd om Mellanöstern, inklusive Palestinafrågan,

New York 17 januari

…Sweden’s long standing engagement on the Middle East Peace Process is based on international law, including human rights and international humanitarian law. It was our support for the two-state solution and our desire to make the parties less unequal that led us to recognise the State of Palestine in 2014.

The international community has an important role in moving from words to action by helping to break the current deadlock and finally ending the occupation that started 50 years ago. We welcome the adoption of Security Council resolution 2334, which is a milestone towards resumed efforts to save the two-state solution. We must now encourage the parties to swiftly implement its provisions, as has been said by everyone in this chamber today. Läs talet