Vanhanen calls for closer co-operation between Finland and Sweden, Helsinki Times

Ex-Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen (Centre) envisions in his new, self-published book Ulkopolitiikka (Eng. Foreign Policy) that the increasing co-operation between Finland and Sweden will eventually evolve into a bilateral union.

“I represent the school of thought that one should be very precise in regards to questions of war and peace,” he writes.

Finland can according to him never be sure whether or not the resources of its neighbour are at its disposal in time of need if the co-operation is based on voluntariness. “A bilateral agreement on a defence union would solve this problem and establish the automation required for the use of joint resources,” he explains.

He acknowledges that a defence union between two countries is not functional or even possible without a joint foreign policy. “The union should therefore be a genuine union between two nation states,” he argues. Läs artikel