Sverige på väg mot Röda havet utan mandat från säkerhetsrådet?


Finska HBL (12/1) redovisar att utrikesminister Tobias Billström har gjort följande uttalande, vilket bekräftas av Försvars makten:

”Sverige stödjer fullt ut de ansträngningar som görs för att upprätthålla säkerhet och fri sjöfart i regionen. Sverige undersöker också möjligheter att stödja insatserna i Röda havet”, skriver den svenska utrikesminister Tobias Billström (Moderaterna) i ett skriftligt svar till tidningen Göteborgs-Posten.

Svenska Försvarsmakten bekräftar att regeringen hört av sig i frågan.

”Vi har fått in en förfrågan från regeringen om att undersöka möjligheterna att stödja insatserna i Röda havet. Försvarsmakten ska svara på remissen i slutet av nästa vecka”, skriver Försvarsmakten till Expressen.

Till TT skriver Billström att Sverige ser på utvecklingen i Röda havet med stort allvar.

”Det är viktigt att undvika en militär eskalering och att värna om sjöfartens säkerhet och rätten till fri sjöfart. Ansvaret för att bryta denna utveckling ligger på huthierna. Deras anfall i Röda havet måste upphöra”.

Billström betonar att Sverige, EU liksom FN:s säkerhetsråd har fördömt huthiernas anfall, som har pågått under flera månader.

”Det är värt att understryka att även örlogsfartyg som USA och Storbritannien har skickat till Röda havet för att skydda den kommersiella sjöfarten har utsatts för direkta anfall från huthierna. I säkerhetsrådets resolution den 10 januari framhöll man staters rätt att i enlighet med folkrätten försvara sina fartyg från anfall”, skriver Billström.

Det är korrekt som Billström säger att frågan behandlats i FN:s säkerhetsråd som den 10 januari i år antog resolution N2400928.pdf ( där särskilt punkt 3 är av intresse:

  1. Condemns in the strongest terms the at least two dozen Houthi attacks on merchant and commercial vessels since November 19, 2023, when the Houthis attacked and seized the Galaxy Leader and its crew;
  2. Demands that the Houthis immediately cease all such attacks, which impede global commerce and undermine navigational rights and freedoms as well as regional peace and security, and further demands that the Houthis immediately release the Galaxy Leader and its crew;
  3. Affirms the exercise of navigational rights and freedoms by merchant and commercial vessels, in accordance with international law, must be respected, and takes note of the right of Member States, in accordance with international law, to defend their vessels from attacks, including those that undermine navigational rights and freedoms;
  4. Commends the efforts by Member States within the framework of the International Maritime Organization, to enhance the safety and secure transit of merchant and commercial vessels of all States through the Red Sea;
  5. Encourages Member States to support capacity building efforts of the Yemeni Coast Guard to effectively implement the measures imposed by paragraph 14 of resolution 2216 (2015), with full respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Yemen;
  6. Encourages also that Member States continue building and strengthening their capacities and to support capacity building for coastal and port States in the Red Sea and Baab al-Mandab to enhance maritime security including by providing, as appropriate, technical assistance through relevant UN entities within their respective mandates and upon request by those States;
  7. Emphasizes the need to address the root causes, including the conflicts contributing to regional tensions and the disruption of maritime security in order to ensure a prompt, efficient, and effective response, and in this regard reiterates the need for all Member states to adhere to their obligations, including the targeted arms embargo contained within its resolution 2216 and the designation of the Houthis as a group subject to the arms embargo, pursuant to resolution 2624 (2022), and recalls that the Council’s Panel of Experts report from October 2023 (S/2023/833) noted large-scale violations of the arms embargo;
  8. Further condemns the provision of arms and related materiel of all types to the Houthis, in violation of its resolution 2216 (2015), and calls for additional practical cooperation to prevent the Houthis from acquiring the materiel necessary to carry out further attacks;
  9. Urges caution and restraint to avoid further escalation of the situation in the Red Sea and the broader region, and encourages enhanced diplomatic efforts by all parties to that end, including continued support for dialogue and Yemen’s peace process under the UN auspices;
  10. Requests the Secretary-General provide written monthly reports, through July 1, 2024, to the Security Council on any further Houthi attacks on merchant and commercial vessels in the Red Sea to inform the Council’s future consultations;
  11. Decides to remain actively seized of this matter

Resolutionen antogs med 11 röster för och ingen emot men fyra stater avstod från att rösta (Algeriet, Kina, Mozambique och Ryssland).

Debatten i säkerhetsrådet kan följas här: Adopting Resolution 2722 (2024) by Recorded Vote, Security Council Demands Houthis Immediately Stop Attacks on Merchant, Commercial Vessels in Red Sea | UN Press

Reaktionerna på bombningarna återspeglas här: Pointing to “Cycle of Violence”, Senior UN Official Urges Restraint Following Air Strikes in Yemen – Yemen | ReliefWeb där bland annat följande uttalanden gjordes:

Mozambique’s delegate, recalling that his delegation abstained from the vote on resolution 2722 (2024), voiced concern that it was misinterpreted as sanctioning the use of force. Calling for increased efforts to address the underlying cause of tensions in the region, he categorically condemned any attacks that endanger commercial vessels and safe and unhindered navigation in the Red Sea. It is common knowledge that Yemen is currently facing a severe humanitarian crisis, he pointed out, and this unfortunate situation is fertile ground for extremism.

In a similar vein, Switzerland’s delegate also recalled that, under the resolution, Member States’ right to defend their vessels is strictly limited to military measures to intercept attacks against merchant vessels and warships to protect them and the persons on board. Noting that any military operation that goes beyond this immediate protection would be disproportionate — and not covered by the resolution — he voiced concern over the military strikes.

“The last thing we need at this stage is reckless military adventurism, and the first thing we need is calm and restraint,” urged the representative of China, warning that the Middle East is already on the brink of extreme danger. Observing that the latest military actions in Yemen destroyed infrastructure, caused civilian casualties, heightened security risks in the Red Sea and risked undermining the ongoing political process in Yemen, he emphasized that the Council never authorized any State to use force.

Det står klart att de utförda bombattackerna inte har stöd i säkerhetsrådet resolution nr 2722 (2024). Sverige bör inte medverka i några insatser som inte täcks av säkerhetsrådets resolution, och det hur mycket än som statsledningen vill ställa in sig hos stater som går utöver resolutionen såsom skedde när Sverige deltog i aggressionskriget mot Libyen.