Secretary Antony J. Blinken and United Kingdom Foreign Secretary David Cameron at a Joint Press Availability,

[…] Starting with Ukraine, we of course reaffirmed the imperative of continuing to support and help Ukraine defend itself against the ongoing Russian aggression.  I have to say that the United Kingdom has been an extraordinary leader in this effort from day one, imposing sanctions and export controls on Russia and hindering its ability to continue to finance the war, ramping up investments in the defense industrial base.[…]

On Ukraine, the best thing we can do this year is to help keep the Ukrainians in this fight.  They’re fighting so bravely.  They’re not going to lose for want of morale.  The danger is we don’t give them the support that they need, and I make that argument to anyone who will listen to me.  I argue that it is extremely good value for money for the United States and for others.  Perhaps for about 5 or 10 percent of your defense budget, almost half of Russia’s prewar military equipment has been destroyed without the loss of a single American life.  This is an investment in United States security.  So that’s what I would say.  Läs artikel