Anförande av utrikesminister Margot Wallström vid säkerhetsrådsmöte 15 december om Nordkorea,

The situation on the Korean Peninsula is the greatest threat to international peace and security facing the world today. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programme, illustrates, as you’ve already heard, a blatant disregard for its international obligations. The DPRK has repeatedly violated international law, including numerous Security Council resolutions. Its actions are also contrary to the existing global norm against nuclear testing, embodied in the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and global non-proliferation norms…

In parallel to effectively implementing the sanctions regime, we must undertake further work to reduce tensions, in order to advance the prospects for a comprehensive settlement. Sanctions alone will not resolve the current situation. Intensified and creative diplomatic efforts that pave the way for a peaceful, diplomatic and political solution are urgently needed.

The situation must be approached without prejudice, and we must be prepared to consider both new and previous proposals and agreements. In this regard, there is also a need to explore the possibilities for regional security cooperation and arrangements. Sweden is contributing to these diplomatic efforts and we welcome Under Secretary-General Feltman’s recent visit to the DPRK. Läs talet