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”To conclude, the Movement reiterates their strong concern at the growing resort to unilateralism and unilaterally imposed measures that undermine the UN Charter and international law, and further reiterate their commitment to promoting, preserving, revitalizing, reforming and strengthening multilateralism and the multilateral decisionmaking process through the UN, by strictly adhering to its Charter and international law, with the aim of creating a just and equitable world order and global democratic governance.”

The Non-Alighned Movement (NAM), uttalande inför FN:s Generalförsamling den 1 oktober 2021

Mali: Thousands denounce France at pro-army rally,

Thousands of people demonstrated in Mali’s capital on Wednesday, according to AFP journalists, backing the nation’s military rulers and protesting perceived foreign meddling in the Sahel state.

The protest comes as military strongman Colonel Assimi Goita faces growing pressure from European powers to renounce a possible deal with Russian private-security firm Wagner.

Former colonial power France — which has thousands of troops in Mali — warned against the deal after reports Mali was close to hiring 1,000 Wagner paramilitaries surfaced this month.

French Defence Minister Florence Parly said this week that her government ”will not be able to cohabit with mercenaries”.

Germany, which also has troops in the war-torn nation of 19 million, said it would reconsider its deployment should Mali strike a deal with Wagner.

And on Wednesday, Estonia’s Defence Minister Kalle Laanet told Vikerraadio, a state radio station there, that if Mali reached a deal with Wagner, the Estonian contingent would leave. They have about 100 soldiers there. Läs artikel

Och Hultqvist tråcklar in Sverige… ,

Ska Sverige, som ett av få länder,  stötta en militärjunta med svensk militär? Ja, tycker den rödgröna regeringen som.i dessa frågor verkar helt i händerna på ”försvarsminister” Peter Hultqvist som steg för steg tråcklar in Sverige i ett militärt nät av en helt ny dimension.

Nu handlar det om insatsen i Mali, som till och med Frankrike minskar sin militära närvaro i. Som till och med moderater är skeptiska till. Men inte Peter Hultqvist.

Hade en borglig regering ägnat sig åt detta hade gröna, sossar och vänsterdebattörer reagerat… Nu tigs det, eller mumlas. De gröna statsråden, från partiet med rötter i fredsrörelsen, utnyttjas som spelpjäser.

Sverige vävs in alltmer i militariserade konstellationer – utan att det varit uppe i något val för medborgarna att ta ställning till. Läs blogginlägg

The Biden Administration’s Gaffe-Prone Foreign Policy Team,

Ted Galen Carpenter,, senior fellow in defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute

Americans who believed that Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election meant that “the adults were back in charge” of U.S. foreign policy now have multiple reasons to question their conclusion. The administration has made several significant policy missteps. The chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, which caused a severe loss of confidence among the NATO allies in Washington’s continued leadership role, is only the most prominent case. Mishandling the sale of nuclear submarines to Australia so badly that longtime ally France erupted in anger, accused U.S. officials of “lying,” and temporarily recalled its ambassador from Washington, ranks a close second. The list also includes misidentifying an Afghan aid worker as a terrorist and then launching a fatal drone strike on him and his family. […]

Biden responded by stating, “We made a sacred commitment to Article Five that if in fact, anyone were to invade or take action against our NATO allies, we would respond.” The same alliance had been forged with Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, he added.

Biden’s last comment was a gross misstatement of U.S. policy.  The United States has treaty obligations regarding the defense of fellow NATO members, Japan, and South Korea, but it has no obligation to Taiwan. Washington has only a vague commitment under the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act to regard a PRC act of aggression against Taiwan as a serious “breach of the peace” of East Asia. There is no firm commitment to defend Taiwan from attack, and for better or worse, Washington has adhered to a policy of “strategic ambiguity” about its likely response for decades.

The next day, U.S. officials rushed to assure Beijing and other countries that U.S. policy on the ultra-sensitive Taiwan issue had not changed despite Biden’s comment. Again, however, the significant problem was the troubling disconnection between administration statements and the official U.S. position. Läs artikel

30 Countries call for end to unilateral coercive measures, including sanctions,

30 countries of the world in a statement expressed concern over Unilateral Coercive Measures, including sanctions against developing countries, stating that such actions are in defiance of the UN Charter, multilateralism, international law, and the basic principles of international relations.

This statement from 30 countries including Iran, China, Russia, Syria, Palestine, Belarus, Pakistan, Egypt, Venezuela and Bolivia condemned the use of unilateral coercive measures, including sanctions against developing countries, was presented by China on Thursday, local time and read out in the 3rd Committee of the UN General Assembly.

The full text of his message reads:

I have the honor to deliver a joint statement on behalf of Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Belarus, Bolivia, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Cuba, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Dominica, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Namibia, Nicaragua, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, South Africa, Sri Lanka, the State of Palestine, the Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Zimbabwe, and my own country China. […]

We are concerned about the use of unilateral coercive measures against developing countries which run counter to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and International Law, multilateralism and the basic norms of international relations.

We are deeply troubled by the negative consequences brought by unilateral coercive measures to targeted countries, which cause severe economic, social and humanitarian impact in these countries and severely hinder their effort for promoting and protecting human rights. Läs talet

Ärkebiskop Gallagher: Befria världen från hotet om ett kärnvapenkrig,

Ärkebiskop Paul Richard Gallagher, i praktiken Vatikanens utrikesminister, talade via videolänk till FN:s generalförsamling på onsdagen med anledning av internationella dagen för total utrotning av kärnvapen.

Ärkebiskop Gallagher sa bland annat att denna dag är ett unikt tillfälle att inskärpa kravet från mänskligheten på världens politiska ledare, särskilt de i kärnvapenförande länder, att en gång för alla göra slut på hotet om ett kärnvapenkrig.

Det är fyra år sedan som 122 länder undertecknade ett fördrag om förbud mot kärnvapen och det var den 1 januari i år som fördraget trädde i kraft. Ärkebiskop Gallagher påpekade att Heliga stolen är tacksam mot de stater som ratificerat fördraget och uppmuntrar alla tveksamma stater att ansluta sig. Sverige är ett av de länder som valt att stå utanför. Läs artikel

FN-soldat dödad i Mali,

En FN-soldat har dödats och tre skadats allvarligt i norra Mali i samband med att en sprängladdning detonerade på lördagen.

”En död och tre allvarligt skadade efter att ett av våra konvojer körde på en vägbomb vid Tessalit, nära den algeriska gränsen”, meddelar den fredsbevarande styrkan i Mali i ett uttalande.

Sverige har just nu omkring 400 militärer av olika slag på plats i Mali, enligt Försvarsmakten. Dessa verkar inom ramarna för tre skilda uppdrag.

Ett av dem är FN-missionen Minusma där Sverige deltar sedan 2014. För närvarande ingår drygt 230 svenskar i den insatsen. Svenskarna har sitt säte i Gao i östra Mali. Läs artikel

Efter Afghanistan – nu måste det bli slut med militära operationer,

Olof Kleberg, tidigare chefredaktör för Västerbottens-kuriren

Det militära uttåget ur Afghanistan har klarnat sikten – men alltför sent. Demokrati kan inte införas utifrån med våld. Nu är frågan hur demokratierna bättre kan främja utveckling och medmänsklighet.

Svenska demokratikämpar, inte minst liberaler, har genom åren engagerat sig emot diktaturer och försökt påverka utifrån. Men 2003 gick det galet. Den liberala ledningen, Lars Leijonborg och Jan Björklund, påhejade av Per Ahlmark) stödde USA:s angrepp på Irak. (Medan centerledaren Maud Olofsson var emot kriget och även Göran Persson, efter tvekan.) […]

Lärdomen är tydlig från Irak och Afghanistan. För varje ny soldat skapades det tio nya motståndare, har det sagts. En undersökning har visat att USA sedan 1930-talet har gjort 16 försök att skapa regimförändring utifrån – endast fyra har lyckats (däribland Tyskland och Japan).

Nu behövs ett omtänkande från grunden. Både USA:s president Biden och FN:s generalsekreterare Guterres uttalar sig mot ”statsbyggande” utifrån.

Även FN-beslutet 2005 om Responsability to Protect, rätten för Säkerhetsrådet att gripa in mot en stat som hotar en egen befolkningsgrupp, har i praktiken fallit. Många, även jag, menade att principen var ett humanitärt framsteg. Angreppet på Libyen 2011 och kaoset därefter visade att principen inte fungerade. […]

Men man börinte förhasta sig. Som utrikesminister Ann Linde som snabbt utropade ”inte en spänn till talibanerna!”. Bistånd till utbildning och sjukvård måste fortsätta med vissa kontakter med regimen annars drabbas befolkningen katastrofalt, understryker Svenska Afghanistankommittén och norska Flyktingrådets Jan Egeland.

Men huvuddelen av stödet till folket bör gå till civila organisationer med erfarenhet – som Svenska Afghanistankommittén, Läkare utan gränser, Röda Korset och så vidare. Läs artikel

U.S. Businesses Invested over 2 Billion Dollars in the Russian Economy in 2020,

In 2021, the American Chamber of Commerce and Ernst & Young conducted their sixth annual survey devoted to the prospects for direct investments and bilateral trade between Russia and the USA. The purpose of the survey is to show the actual scale of bilateral investment and trade between the two countries.

The survey focused on direct investment and bilateral trade between Russia and the US. According to its findings, US firms invested more than US$2.2 billion in the Russian economy in 2020 alone, and plan to invest around US$1.8 billion more in 2021. More than half of this money will go to Russia’s energy and natural resources industry, as first reported by Russia Briefing. Läs artikel

Letter of Intent concerning The Bilateral Defence Cooperation,

For The Ministry for The Armed Forces of The French Republic Florence Parly For the Ministry for Defence of the Kingdom of Sweden Peter Hultqvist

The Minister for the Armed forces of the French Republic, and The Minister for Defence of the Kingdom of Sweden, hereinafter referred to as the “the Signatories”

Considering that the defence relationship between the Ministry for the Armed forces of the French Republic and the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Sweden aims at building a pillar of stability in Northern Europe and beyond; […]

The Signatories intend to develop new axes of bilateral cooperation, complement existing efforts and leverage existing structures, in order to:

  • Intensify the strategic dialogue on security and defence issues;
  • Develop strategic foresight and information sharing;
  • Expand co-operation in the field of research and development;
  • Expand co-operation in the field of defence capability development;
  • Enhance interoperability between the Armed Forces;
  • Improve the ability to conduct combined operations and
  • Explore the possibility of co-operating in the fields of countering hybrid threats and grey zone activities in coordination with NATO and the EU.

Läs avsiktsförklaringen

Norwegian-Russian Military Summit in Kirkenes,

Chief of the Norwegian Joint Headquarters (NJHQ) Yngve Odlo will this week meet with Lieutenant General Stanislav Maslov, Chief of the FSB Border Directorate, in Kirkenes, Norway. The two Lieutenant Generals will on Wednesday preside over the first protocol meeting between the NJHQ and the FSB Border Service since October 2019.

A press release says the Covid-19 pandemic has made it challenging to conduct physical meetings between the delegations from the Russian Federal Security Services’ (FSB) Border Service of the Western Arctic Areas and the Joint Headquarters.

Norway has, like NATO, suspended its bilateral military cooperation with Russia since 2014. Activities shielded from this suspension include a.o. cooperation about coastguard and border control, areas in which annual protocol meetings still take place.

Cooperation on the Norwegian-Russian border is based on the border demarcation agreement between Norway and Russia dating back to 29 December 1949. In other words, it is thus a historically rooted cooperation characterized by an open and good dialogue between the border control forces and the Norwegian and also Russian border commissioners, the press statement says. Läs artikel

India won’t host NATO strikes into Afghanistan,

If one thing is clear from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address to the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly, it is that India will defend herself against external threats and the increased dangers of terrorism that may come from Afghanistan through Pakistan and is perfectly capable of acting in its own interests – both on land (Kashmir or Ladakh) and at sea (the Indian Ocean). His address can be taken as further evidence of the new multipolarity that is rapidly reshaping global politics.

India will not sacrifice its sovereignty to accommodate the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s reported itch for war games against the Taliban from Indian territory.

Despite pressure from neocons and Mackinderites (those who believe that Anglo-American maritime power should promote conflict and division among the major Eurasian land powers), it will be nearly impossible to persuade India to grant NATO “over-the-horizon” rights to strike Afghanistan from Indian territory. India can smell a skunk in the garden and will be cautious. Läs artikel